Jos. M. Sudsburg, Carver and Designer, No 106 Park Avenue. - gentleman that has attained
prominence as a wood carver and designer is Joseph M. Sudsburg. He occupies an entire three-story building
80x20 feet in dimensions. Mr Sudsburg is a native of Bavaria and came to baltimore in 1853, entering into
the study and practice of wood carving and designing shortly after his arrival. In 1857, having became an
adept at the trade, he established himself in business as a general wood carver and designer and has met with
much success, his trade extending to all parts of Maryland. His extensive establishment is fully established
with stock and every facility and mechanical appliances for successfully carrying on the business. A staff of
competent assistants are employed. The most claborate sideboads and artistic furniture of all kinds are
produced, the work all being done by hand. Designing and carving is executed to order, and designs of all
sorts are also furnished by Mr Sudsburg. He is one of the oldest carvers in the city as well as one of the
1st Half Century's progress of the City of Baltimore Ref 975.26H at Baltimore County Public Library, Towson Branch |